A mish mosh of degenerates from all corners of the earth put together for your viewing entertainment!  This traveling band of Gypsie rogues camped out at DarkSyde one night last summer and never left.   
Fire eating, Fire breathing, Fire poi, Bed of Nails, Glass eating, Juggling,  Fortunes read, you name it. These psychos are doing it every weekend during haunt season. They’ve even got a not so honest to goodness Ring leader,  who goes by the name of Ring Master Baiter, who runs the show and is control of all of his little evil minions at the DarkSyde Carnivale. 

Be sure to visit our midway and catch their freakish acts of self mutilations.  bigger and better in 2014.

Loved it had so much fun and i loved the side show those guys were great hope to see them next year.-Leilani Routzon